You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.7. Inventory - Credit Goods Received > Managing Completed Credit Goods Received Batches > Credit Goods Received - File - Post Costed
Credit Goods Received - File - Post Costed

Use this option to post a credit goods received batch as costed if you have received a credit note from the supplier for the goods being returned. You should only use this option if you entered a Credit Note Number on the Credit Goods Received Header screen.

2.8 Feature

You must also post a batch as costed if you have flagged it as a sundry credit goods received batch on the Credit Goods Received Header screen (refer to refer to "Maintaining the Credit Goods Received Header").


Technical Tip

  • If you have not received the supplier's credit note, you should post the batch as uncosted (refer to "Credit Goods Received - File - Post Uncosted").
  • Before you post the batch, check that the Balance Inc GST and Receipt Inc GST fields balance. Micronet then reflects correct average costs for your items, and correct GP% on sales.

To post the batch as costed:

  1. Process the credit goods received batch to completion stage.

Refer to "Credit Goods Received Overview" for the steps involved.

  1. Select FILE | POST COSTED.

If the amount being credited does not equal the total of the line items entered (i.e. the Balance Amount does not equal the Receipt Amount), Micronet displays a warning asking you to confirm that you want to proceed.

  1. Select Yes to continue, or No to check the balance.

If you select Yes and you have not entered a credit note number or amount, Micronet displays another warning.

  1. Select Yes to continue or No to enter the credit note number or amount.

If you select Yes, Micronet processes the batch and posts it as costed. It then redisplays the Credit Goods Received screen. Refer to "Credit Goods Received Overview" for information on using that screen.


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

If the item has already been included on a job in MJC, or it has been sold to a customer and included on an invoice (after which the customer has returned it to the store), processing the credit goods received batch may cause stock of the item to go negative. In this case, Micronet displays a warning that it cannot continue to process the credit goods received batch.

Select the Details button to display more information about the problem.

Select Ok to clear this message, then Okagain to clear the first message. Micronet redisplays the Credit Goods Received screen where you should save your batch. Before you can post the batch, you will need to either remove the item from the job in MJC or, if the item was allocated to an invoice, create a credit note for that invoice.